Plumeria cv ‘J.L. Trumpet’


P. ‘J.L. Trumpet’ is named for the trumpet like appearance of flowers in the process of opening. Notice the profile of the flower on right in the picture.

Petal Shading

  • Top:White with a Yellow 6B center.
  • Bottom:A Red-Purple 60B stripe on the left followed by a second much paler and narrower stripe, then white.



  • Flower Width: 7.5 cm (fully open)
  • Flower Type: Semi-shell
  • Texture: Rigid
  • Tendency to Fade: None
  • Petal Type: Obovate, narrow, pointed tip
  • Fragrance: Floral sweet
  • Intenstiy of Fragrance: Average


  • Color: Light green
  • Texture: Rigid
  • Leaf Border Color: Reddish
  • Petiole Color: Green, hint of red
  • Shape: Oblancaolate/elliptic, acuminate/acute tip
  • Length: n/a
  • Width: n/a


  • Pollen Parent: Unknown
  • Seed Parent: Unknown
  • Deciduous
  • Seed production: Average
  • Branching: Fair
  • Growth habit: Upright
  • Measured Trunk Circumference: 52 cm

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