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Total 4 Contents
August 23, 2021

Using Honey In Plumeria Cultivation Looking to clone a certain special plumeria plant? Do you need new and innovative forms of fertilizer? Honey could be...

Created by PlumeriaDB
August 2, 2021

Mycorrhizae What it is and why do you need it? The relationship between good fungi and plant roots is called mycorrhizal associations, or mycorrhizae.  The...

Created by PlumeriaDB
August 2, 2021

Fertilizer Materials There is a great variety of fertilizer materials. In general, fertilizers fall within two major categories: commercial fertilizer sources and organic sources. While...

Created by PlumeriaDB
August 2, 2021

Base Nutrients The base nutrients (cations ) described in this section include potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg). FORMS AND FUNCTIONS OF BASE CATIONS...

Created by PlumeriaDB
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